Plans & Pricing

I’m Ready, Sign Me Up!

Wait, I Have Some Questions…

  • A personal trainer can cost anywhere from $40 to $100 per one-hour session. That means if you meet with them once a week for a month, you will be paying anywhere from $160 to $400, and that’s only for 4 hours of their time! Personal trainers are busy working with their in-person clients, so outside of your sessions with them it’s unlikely they will provide the same level of guidance, support, accountability, and resources as an online coach.

    Working with a dietician or nutritionist, you need to pay $70-$150 per visit! A dietician has very specialized knowledge that allows them to work with all sorts of people, but they can only tell you what to do. They aren’t providing you with a workout plan, holding you accountable, or supporting you. But, I do want to be clear: if you have conditions relating to health and nutrition, I recommend meeting with a dietician and NOT relying on a trainer to prescribe and treat your conditions.

    Working with an online coach, such as myself, you get the full package: nutrition, exercise, accountability, support, resources, 24/7 text, and all for less cost! It’s a no-brainer.

  • I don’t have a cookie-cutter program that I apply to all my clients. My goal is to help you develop the skill of being able to make healthy lifestyle choices that will serve you for the rest of your life. In general, I help you eat more protein, fiber, and minimally processed foods. We also tackle emotional eating, binge eating, and cravings.

    If getting these fundamental changes down is not enough, we will consider other strategies such as calorie counting, calorie cycling, journaling, intermittent fasting, etc.

  • I create personalized exercise programs from scratch based 100% on your criteria and preferences. Whether you want to workout at a gym or from home, 30 minute workouts or 90 minute workouts, 3 days per week or 6 days per week, the program will match your criteria.

    If you ever get bored of your program or don’t like any of the exercises, you let me know immediately and the appropriate changes will be made!

  • I can’t guarantee that you will get results. I can give you all the resources, guidance, and accountability possible, but if you don’t put in the work yourself then you likely won’t get the results you want. If you do apply the changes to your eating habits that I guide you towards and you are consistent with the exercise program, you can expect to lose 0.5-2 pounds per month. Visually, you can expect to see change in 3-4 weeks.

  • Yes, we provide refunds under certain conditions. If you workout at least 24 times in a 3 month period and do not look, feel, or perform better than you did before working with me, then you can have your full money back.