My Story

Hello! I'm Ethan Fox, and I'm passionate about helping others achieve their fitness goals. Here's how my own fitness journey inspired me to become an online trainer.

Growing up, I was inconsistent with fitness because I was doing it for the wrong reasons. That changed when I discovered the importance of finding joy in exercise and setting goals that truly motivated me.

After becoming more knowledgeable about fitness, I wanted to share what I'd learned. This caused my original plan of attending Penn State to major in finance to take a detour. I realized my town lacked a gym dedicated to strength training, motivating me to want to open my own gym someday.

To prepare, I got my personal training certification and worked at a local gym. While I initially envisioned helping young men build muscle, my true passion turned out to be in weight loss and overall health improvement.

That led me to launch my own online coaching business, Fox Fitness. Though there are uncertainties, hearing client success stories fuels my drive. I'm committed to helping people, testing my own limits, and learning along the way.

I hope my journey inspires you to chase your own goals!