The Fox Fitness Story

From Google Sheets & Email to My Own App

My coaching service, now known as Fox Fitness, started out as just a guy posting exercise tip videos on Instagram hoping to build a following and get some clients. I wanted to work with young guys looking to gain strength and muscle. I didn’t have an established service, website, or way to deliver my coaching, but I was determined to start my own business.

Three months pass, and nothing transpires from posting on social media. I decide to build out my service so that it includes nutrition coaching, a custom exercise program, and accountability. I also start running advertisements on Facebook, and that’s how I got my first few clients.

Although I wanted to help people interested in strength training, I got people primarily hoping to lose weight. Now, I realize that helping people lose weight is much more fulfilling work than strength coaching could have been.

I knew what I wanted to provide with my service, but I didn’t have an actual method to deliver it. I was writing programs on Google Sheets, meal plans on Google Docs, and sending them over email. Not very useful.

Eventually, I found a business that works with personal trainers to help them launch their own app. I worked with them, and now have my own app on the App Store and Play Store. This allows me to provide the highest level of service possible.

My service is now fully defined, and it includes nutrition coaching, a personalized exercise program, weekly phone calls, 24/7 text, access to my mobile app, and many resources such as guides, tutorials, and recipes. I also have my own website and continue to grow my social media following.

With all these resources at my clients’ disposal, I’m able to provide a truly high-quality service that all motivated clients have a positive experience with.

I’m proud of what has been accomplished so far, and can’t wait to see all the client transformations to come.